Electronic Cigarettes Truth - Who I Am

Electronic cigarettes are on the rise – rapidly. The latest trend for smokers, brands, versions, models and companies are popping up everywhere, all promoting their versions. However, do a search on the internet to find out the truth about e-cigarettes, and what do you find? That’s right – mostly company or sales websites promoting the benefits.

After getting fed up with all the misinformation and sales pages, this site was created to provide smokers and non-smokers alike with the facts and honest opinions from a long time smoker.

Why am I doing this? The answer is to provide you with unbiased, clear information about the ever-growing world of electronic cigarettes. If you want to know how they work, what their benefits or drawbacks are, where to get started and what to buy, then this is the blog for you. With the scene changing rapidly, somebody needs to keep an eye on it and relay the important information without any agenda – which is what I promise to do. I have nothing to sell you, nothing to trick you into getting hooked on, and that’s why you’ll learn the truth about electronic cigarettes here, with reviews of all the major (and not-so) brands.

So with that, I welcome you to the site. And if you’d like to know, my names David. I have been smoking for quite a while now, and have smoked almost everything (barring a few illicit substances…), and have recently began my journey into the world of e-cigs. I’ve wanted to give up real cigarettes for a number of years due to the cost and health implications, but still wanted to smoke. Indeed, e-cigs seem like the perfect invention, so I’m going to find out everything I can. I’ll be noting the effects on myself (a guinea pig for your knowledge, if you will), so what the studies don’t reveal, you can find here.

I’ll be updating this site at least a few times a week with all the latest news, views and facts on e-cigs, so be sure to return often if you’d like to get the lowdown on the latest studies or news, and feel free to point anyone to this site if they have questions or would like to get started smoking e-cigarettes themselves.