How do cigarette smokers react to your electronic cigarette?

A question I often asked myself when I started smoking an electronic cigarette how would cigarette smokers react to me pulling out an electronic cigarette in a public place? Now that I've been smoking an electronic cigarette almost a year, I've had time to judge the different reactions of people. What I've found is mostly amusing, and once you read this article you wonder why you even cared what others might think.

When I first started vaping, my girlfriend was sceptical. As a cigarette smoker of almost 20 years she did not see how an electronic cigarette could possibly be safe or effective. In addition to that, trying to explain to anyone who doesn't smoke and electronic cigarette about the terms, language, and how the whole thing works can be very difficult and at times frustrating.

Now even though I have been smoking an electronic cigarette for a while, it can still be a bit weird when I pull mine out at a social occasion, and I haven't even tried to smoke it inside yet. Although apparently here in the United Kingdom it is legal to smoke an e-cig indoor, I haven't once attempted it - mainly because now that I'm smoking an e cig full-time I don't feel the horrible cravings anymore. That said, when I was eating in a restaurant I did see a woman smoking here small e-cig (probably an e-lite) quite casually, and although the managers and staff saw her they did allow it to happen. If you want to smoke inside, the best thing to do is ask for their policy, as different places do have different rules.

I smoke an electronic cigarette whenever I see my parents usually too - they are perplexed, but accepting. As non-smokers they were concerned when I started smoking full stop, but now I've moved out they accept that I'm going to do it and only sometimes ask a few questions about e-juice and so on, which is easily explained. Having said that, they were a bit worried by an e-cig scare story in the newspaper, claiming that e-cigs aren't healthy at all and can kill you - once you smoke an e-cig you'll realise that it is by far safer than smoking 'real' cigarettes, even if extensive research hasn't been performed, as it's just obvious.

So, aside from a few (and I mean few) looks from others, I have quite happily smoked my e-cig (which is about 8 inches long in total and hard to miss) outside coffee shops, in the street and so on, and never once have I even been asked what it is. With a lot of marketing for other e-cig brands happening, I think most people have at least heard of electronic cigarettes and so don't really question it when they see them.

The best thing to do if you are asked what the hell you're smoking is simply to say that it's a device you're using to help you quit smoking - that way people are definitely likely to be more accepting and approving, if that's what you need. However, if you like to vape and couldn't care less about what others think, then just do it anywhere, anytime - it's perfectly legal!